Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thoughts on Sensitivity Training Going into 2016

Hello everyone, Bill Walsh here. 

I hope you are all having a great holiday season and if you are reading this after December 31st then a Happy New Year to you!

Going into 2016 I have been booked for many Sensitivity Training Courses for businesses in Washington and Arlington. This is something that doesn’t really surprise me as many business operators like to start the new year off with new training for their employees.

Year after year Sensitivity Training continues to be a popular training course and honestly, I think this is a good thing. 

With more and more instances of workplace harassment and abuse being reported each year, it seems to be that there is no such thing as TOO MUCH awareness about this issue.

The only problem that I find when it comes to sensitivity training is that not everyone takes it as seriously as they should. If I had a dollar for every time someone made an “insensitive” joke during their sensitive training I would be a rich man!

Employees, often snicker and laugh when dealing with the sensitive matters addressed during “sensitivity training”. As the trainer I have learnt to take this with a grain of salt. I just hope that what I am teaching sinks in.

It is true that we are in a very enlightened era. However, matters of workplace harassment and abuse are not to be scoffed at. Inappropriate conduct can cost businesses money when lawsuits are filed. Employees, can lose their job if they do not conduct themselves appropriately. 

For this reason Sensitivity Training continues to be necessary (and needed) in all workplaces. It doesn’t matter how modern or progressive your office is your employees need to be properly educated about conduct issues. It is wise to provide them with training for liability purposes as well. This way you can at least be certain that everyone is aware of the expectations and policies that are in place.

That is just my two cents. Going into 2016, I am hoping that there will be less “news” about large  workplace harassment lawsuits. I also am hoping that my training courses actually sink in.

Until next time

Monday, November 23, 2015

More tips for Managing Offsite and Teleworking Employees

As a manager there are a few things that so make dealing with offsite and teleworking employees that are slightly more difficult. For instance, when you have off site employees you have to be more diligent about communicating and interacting with your employees. Instead of waiting to run into them at the water cooler you must go out of your way to touch base and communicate clearly with your remote employees

When you do communicate with your off site employees it is important to be organized and discuss the important items that need to be dealt with. Here are some pointers to make this easier.

Communicating effectively with your off site or remote employees

1. Establish goals

First things first, in order to make the most out of the time you have talking to your off site employee begin the conversation by defining some clear goals for the conversation.

This will help you stay on track and make sure you get to the most important items during the conversation.

2.  Plan for the next conversation

Once you have touched on your goals for the conversation also make sure that you establish your expectations for the next conversation. Also schedule the future conversation so that your remote employee has a clear deadline.

3. Let your employee know how they can reach you if they need you

Before you conclude your conversation make sure that you also let your employee know when you will be available if you are needed for questions or clarification. This helps to let your employee feel more comfortable reaching out to you if they need assistance before your next scheduled conversation.

4. Reinforce the positive

Because remote employees often feel out of the loop make an effort to reinforce the positive and thank them for their role in the team!

5. Don’t leave them out

Lastly make an extra effort to include remote employees in workplace meetings, social events and communications. If you want your off site employees to give their all. Make sure that you include them in the day to day operations of the business. 

When you are dealing with employees who are not located in the same building as the rest of your team it can be easy to forget or neglect that relationship. As a manager it is important to go the extra mile when communicating with your telecommuters so that they feel as if they are part of the bigger picture. This will help you to create a stronger and more productive working environment. 


Proven Training Solutions provides training for managing virtual and remote employees in DC area including Washington, Virginia and Arlington.

Monday, November 16, 2015

How to Successfully Manage Teleworking and Offsite Employees

Hey everyone, it is Bill again and I am back to share a few of my thoughts on managing employees who are telecommuting!

A larger number of businesses are allowing their employees to work remotely these days. As more companies embrace this trend, new techniques to manage teleworking and offsite employees are being explored. New technology has made the management of employees located at home (or other locations) easier than ever. However, not having your team onsite every day can raise a few workplace challenges. Today, we are going to talk about some helpful strategies that will allow you to more easily support and lead a team offsite staff.

Individuals in all industries, working in all sorts of roles are now able to stay home and work remotely.This can be an excellent way for a company to save money on office spaces. It can also boost morale and overall productivity. 

In these circumstances managers often struggle to coach and lead remote workers effectively with the biggest challenge being clear communication and regulating time management. 

I have had many years of experience coaching leaders on managing employees. I also have a few theories about how you can keep things running smoothly even when managing teleworkers/ offsite individuals. 

Communication is key!

Employees working remotely, can often get left out of the loop. 

This is especially true when dealing with different time zones or work schedules. 

As a manager it is important to remember that you cannot expect everyone to be available all of the time.

To make the telecommuting experience more beneficial for everyone it is important to establish communication guidelines and expectations early on. Come up with routine virtual meeting times that are consistently the same. Also express deadlines for responses on important emails or assignments. You should also make sure that you also stick to these agreements as the manager. Lead by example and set a standard so that your employees know that you are reliable. Good employees will return the favour!

Time Management is Not As Important As Meeting Deadlines -

Truthfully when you are dealing with telecommuters it is nearly impossible to expect your employees to work on a "set schedule". The greatest perk of remote work is that you can create your own day structure and choose when and how you work. 

Instead of taking this flexibility away from your employees embrace it! Avoid making "rules" about how many hours each day employees must work. Do set concrete deadlines and encourage your remote employees to meet them. Try allowing your employees to choose their own work schedule but also be clear about your deadline expectations. 

You'll find that some employees prefer an 8 hour work day, while others will take days off and work full days to get the job done. You will also find that morale is higher because employees are free to manage their own time. 

Make this work by keeping the lines of communication clear and sticking to a regular communication schedule.

Embracing the challenge of managing teleworking and offsite employees 

Obviously, managing teleworking employees comes with a fair share of challenges. In my experience I have found that the best way to work with a team under these circumstances is by embracing the situation and actually using it as an incentive. If you make it clear that working remotely is a privilege and way that you show trust to your staff, you will be met with a much more positive response. Remember though, you have to set communication standards and maintain them to make the arrangement work. You should also "let go" of the 8 hour work day and embrace a more free range structure for your remote team. Try to place emphasis on getting the work done in time for a deadline rather that within a conventional work day.

Good Luck!

-Bill Walsh

For more information about virtual or offsite employees visit Proven Training Solutions.

Currently offering training for managing virtual and remote employees in DC area including Washington, Virginia and Arlington.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

3 Things To Know About Managing Offsite Employees

3 Things To Know About Managing Offsite Employees

Welcome back to my personal proven training blog. Today, I want to share some more information about a popular training curriculum that I have been promoting, Managing Offsite and Remote Employees.

At Proven Training Solutions, Managing Offsite and Remote Employees is one of our most popular training programs specifically in the DC area. I am often recruited to coach managers on these topics in Washington, Virginia and Arlington. In these demographics there appears to be more businesses working with employees off site. An offsite employee is any employee that does not work in the main building with the other staff. This employee may be located anywhere. They may work from home or be located in another facility.

So, if you find yourself in a situation where you are responsible for managing a remote employee, what do you do?

These days thanks to the internet and mobile devices it is easy to stay in touch with off site employees. However, motivating, managing and communicating with them is a whole other story.

I am going to share with you three things that I recommend all managers do when dealing with an employee who is telecommuting.

1. More contact

Although you will see an offsite employee less you should talk to them more. This isn't just for efficiency and discipline, but to help make that employee feel as if they are still part of the team. You want everyone who is working for you to feel like them matter. Scheduling regular daily check ins is a good way to do this.

2. Call them, don't text or email them

When dealing with a remote employee it may feel easy just to send communications via email or text. However, it is a better idea to call them on the phone or video conference when possible so that, once again, they feel connected. Adding this personal touch will help make the employee feel as if they are more responsible and will help with time management. Not to mention it will assist in nurturing loyalty as well as open communication.

Remember, texts and emails can often be misconstrued. Make a phone call to remote employees to assure that communication is clear. This is especially important when discussing sensitive issues.

3. Make an effort to make that individual feel included in the team dynamic

Lastly, if you wish to be successful managing an employee off site make sure that you include them in all aspects of business operation. This includes both onsite and offsite issues. Have them provide feedback on new projects as well. Do not exclude them from the team just because they are located offsite. This will make this employee feel more valued.

These days there are more and more business structures that include employees working offsite. Because of technology there is absolutely no reason why a remote employee should ever feel off the grid. Our Proven Training Solutions program Managing Offsite and Remote Employees educates managers about the challenges of dealing with employees who are not working in the same facility with them. 

If you'd like to find out more specific details about this curriculum, do not hesitate to visit Proven Training Solutions.

Until next time,
-Bill Walsh

Monday, October 5, 2015

Preventing Harassment in The Workplace Starts With Proper Training And Awareness

Preventing Harassment in The Workplace Starts With Proper Training And Awareness

Hello again,

Thanks for visiting my Proven Training Blog! Today I want to talk about one of the most important issues people in the workforce deal with today, sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment lawsuits affect more than just productivity. If a suit is issued it can lead to a costly legal case. 

When sexual harassment occurs in the workplace everyone is impacted. It can lower moral, upset the workplace dynamic and makes it very difficult for people to trust one another and feel safe at work.
In my experience as a business professional I have found that the best way to avoid harassment issues is by providing proper awareness training for your staff. When behaviour expectations are properly communicated and enforced, employees are less likely to act inappropriately leading to issues down the road. With proper training regarding sexual harassment employees are more likely to treat each other with respect. 

The Proven Training Solutions Preventing Harassment in The Workplace Curriculum 

At Proven Training Solutions we have created the perfect program to educate and inform employees about harassment issues in the workplace. The training program titled: Preventing Harassment in The Workplace is about building stronger working relationships through an increased understanding of diversity. 

With this program we focus on improving productivity by providing more comfortable working climate where everyone feels like an essential part of the team.

It is about educating employees about communicating professionally with one another.

By providing this type of training we are able to reduce the amount of harassment complaints that are caused by miscommunication.

We can also reduce the amount of labor claims made against your company by educating staff about sexual harassment and proper workplace conduct.

In our program we address cultural, generation and religious difference that relate to sensitivity.

As part of our prevention training we teach employees about proper communication and respect so that we can essentially eradicate any harassment or discrimination.

At the end of the day avoiding sexual harassment or any harassment related complaints in the workplace is about providing proper training for all of your employees. As always education and awareness is the first step to prevention.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sensitivity Training For Physicians: Why it Matters!

Sensitivity Training For Physicians: Why it matters!

Bill Walsh discusses sensitivity training for doctors

I am finally back!

I have spent my summer hosting several sensitivity training courses specifically for doctors. Over the last few years the demand for sensitivity training for physicians has dramatically increased! For this reason I have developed a specific proven training curriculum that caters to individuals employed in the medical field. In today's blog I want to talk about this new curriculum and why sensitivity training for individuals in this important industry is approached a little bit differently.

I mentioned in my last blog, Sensitivity Training for Executives that sensitivity training can be extremely beneficial for all workplaces. Not only does sensitivity training help to assure that everyone is conducting themselves in a respectful and professional manner, it also helps to clarify some of the common questions that employees have about workplace interactions. When your employees receive sensitivity training they are less likely to act inappropriately or put your corporation at risk of interpersonal liabilities.

When it comes to sensitivity training for doctors, this is extremely important! Not only because physicians need to represent themselves professionally around their co-workers but also because they have to be conscious about how they behave around patients.

Throughout the day medical professionals encounter a variety of different people in various circumstances. It is important that they know how to responsibly engage and interact with these patients while also remaining professional and adhering to the conduct guidelines that have been established by their employer.

All of these components are addressed in the Proven Training Solutions Sensitivity Training For Doctors training program. This curriculum has been specifically designed for medical professionals and the things that they encounter every day in their industry.

Concepts Covered in Sensitivity Training For Doctors

I. Understand and Reinforce the Need for Sensitivity & Communication Skills Training
  1. Review the realities of insensitivity, discrimination and harassment
  2. Identify the importance of sensitivity training for doctors
  3. Participate in a sensitivity & bias assessment
  4. Understand the importance of being sensitive to different peoples
  5. Identify individual responsibility in preventing insensitivity or harassment
  6. Understand the legal liabilities of insensitivity, discrimination and harassment
  7. Realize how communication style can contribute to insensitivity & perceived disrespect
II. Establish Respect as the Platform for Developing an Inclusive Healthcare Workplace
  1. Define what a respectful health care environment should look like in your organization
  2. Gain an improved understanding of the right attitudes to create a respectful workplace
  3. Learn the communication skills to succeed  in a diverse healthcare environment
  4. Incorporate respect for yourself and others as a core value
  5. Define and explain both real and perceived insensitivity, discrimination or harassment
  6. Identify the 10 most common patterns of insensitivity & disrespectful behavior
  7. Develop the foundation for a sensitive and inclusive healthcare and work environment
III. Increase Sensitivity & Awareness in Healthcare with Respectful Communication Skills
  1. Communicate & review hospital or practice anti-harassment/discrimination policies during sensitivity training for doctors
  2. Identify state and federally protected groups
  3. Learn the steps necessary to establish the correct workplace environment
  4. Communicate and work more effectively with different people and personalities
  5. Understand how communication styles can affect people’s perceptions understandings
  6. Overcome the most common stereotypes
  7. Review courteous & respectful communication
  8. Review courteous and respectful behavior in healthcare settings
  9. Develop an individual action plan to increase sensitivity & respectful communication
Lately, I have been busy hosting sensitivity training courses for medical facilities that wish to provide this important training to their staff.

I believe that this program can be extremely beneficial for physicians because it provides them with the information that they need to work without concerns about sensitivity issues.

It is an excellent for all medical employers to provide this special training for their employees to dramatically reduce the risk of liability and ensure a standard of conduct is upheld!

- Bill Walsh 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Sensitivity Training For Executives

Sensitivity Training For Executives: Why You NEED it!

Hey everyone it is me Bill Walsh again -

I am taking to the blog today to talk about something that I feel is really important to emphasize. With today’s economic realities we are all looking for ways to “do more with less” and still make a profit for our companies. You and I both know that is not easy to do when your team does not feel very motivated and your workplace morale is lacking. 

In a perfect world everyone in the workspace would be respectful, highly-motivated and working towards common goals. 

Sadly, we do not live in that perfect world and interpersonal relationships, stress and others factors need to be taken into account. One of the challenges that all managers and executives have when trying to lead employees in the right direction is overcoming these issues. The best way, in my expert opinion, to do this - is to lead by example. 

When we talk about sensitivity training for executives we have to think about the trickle down effect. Any work environment is only as good as it leader. This is why I recommend sensitivity training for individuals at all levels including executive and management. A strong leader who is knowledgeable about appropriate behaviour, acts as a role model for the other employees. They are better able to instruct and reprimand inappropriate behaviour because they conduct themselves respectfully and demonstrate the standards of your workplace.

In witnessing this employees will know what is expected of them and what they should aspire to if they want to move up the corporate ladder.

For this reason providing executive sensitivity training is a must! Trust me I have been in this industry long enough to speak for it’s benefits.

The Benefits of Providing Sensitivity Training For Your Management and Executives

Refresher: executives and managing staff have likely been working within the company for awhile. They may benefit from a refresher of appropriate conduct policies, sensitivity issues and company expectations.

Clarification: new executives and managing staff may be unclear about the expectations and standards for workplace conduct. Sensitivity training is an excellent opportunity to clarify and discuss these topics openly so that their is no misunderstanding or miscommunication.

Preparation: sensitivity training for executives is also a training session where employees can learn how to properly handle coworker issues and provide feedback.

Demonstrate: as we mentioned above, providing sensitivity training for your managing and executive staff sets them up to lead by example. This is extremely valuable if you want to create a cohesive work environment where standards are upheld.

Hopefully this blog has clarified some of the main reasons why you should consider investing in sensitivity training for your leading staff. 

Thanks for stopping in and reading my blog. If you have any questions about this topic or would like a no obligation quote please do not hesitate to contact me: 1-800-403-5456.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Investing in Supervisor Training

Reasons to Invest in Management Training For Your Team

Proven Training Blog: Providing Additional Training For Your Managing Staff

Welcome back to my proven training solutions blog, in today’s post we are going to chat about the reasons why business operators should invest in training for their management team.

Many business owners make the mistake of believing once someone has been promoted into a management position they are no longer in need of training. Not only is this belief incorrect it could also be a huge detriment to your company. 

I have been in this business many years and my experience has taught me that managers benefit from training even more than developing staff. The reason for this is because managers have already invested themselves in your company and are enthusiastic about helping it grow. Unlike new hires management has typically been with your company for a longer period of time. They are also likely looking for new ways to inspire their own team of employees and will pass the knowledge that they learn from their training on.

For these reasons obtaining management training for your managers is a worthwhile investment. When you choose the right training curriculum for your team you can maximize results and enhance the value of your managing employee. 

On that note we are going to discuss some of the benefits of management training:

  • Increased confidence and effectiveness
  • Motivation 
  • Ease the transition into a new management role
  • Help navigating promotion from employee to supervisor
  • Increased productivity and conversion
  • The development of management level decision making
  • Improved communication
  • Increased trust and confidence in management role
  • Learn how to work with different types of people and personality types
  • Learn how to provide constructive feedback
  • Help develop team goals
  • Managing peers
  • Time management and task delegation
  • How critique and discipline employees legally
  • Support and encourage staff members

Now that we have put it all out on the table it seems to be common sense that you should continue to provide management training for your managing staff. My firm Proven Training Solutions has a selection of curriculum available that have been specifically designed with managers/supervisors in mind. We know how to get through to new and experienced managers in ways that are inspiring and encouraging.

Don't let a good manager miss the opportunity to become a great one! Invest in your team and they will invest themselves in you!

Until next time,

-Bill Walsh

Monday, July 13, 2015

How to Calm And Cope With Angry Customers

dealing with difficlt customers

Proven Training Blog: Dealing With Difficult Customers

Hello again business operators and staff in training, welcome back to my business training blog!

It is me Bill again, it has been a few weeks since I have written for the Proven Training Blog. Do not worry though, very soon we will be providing regular blog content for those of you who are interested in excelling in the workplace.

I am writing today because I want to talk about something that we all experience that isn't very pleasant. That is, the disgruntled customer. When dealing with an angry or upset customer it is hard to know what to do no matter who you are. Yes - even for experienced managers angry customers are tricky. However, if you follow the expert advice laid out in our Proven Training Solutions Whitepaper: Dealing With Angry Customers you should have no problem. In my blog today I just want to review of few of the tips we discussed in this publication.

How to calm and cope with a difficult customer in 5 steps

"De-personalize the situation. Realize that, in all likelihood, the customer is not angry at you personally. Even if you did something to cause his or her anger (hopefully unintentionally), most difficult customers’ anger is not really personal in nature. They may be angry because their expectations weren’t met, because they feel they were wronged, or because of something personal and completely unrelated to you or the company you work for. Make up your mind when dealing with difficult customers that you aren’t going to take their anger personally.

Lower your voice. It can be tempting when dealing with an angry customer to raise your tone of voice to match his or hers. Not only is this highly unprofessional and a poor reflection on the company you represent, but it will only escalate the situation. When you speak softly, the irate customer will need to quiet down in order to hear the answer to his demands.

Empathize. Even if you think the customer’s demands are crazy, chances are you have been angry yourself a time or two. When dealing with a difficult customer, you don’t have to agree with what they say to put yourself in their shoes and show some empathy for what they are feeling.

Remind yourself that you represent your company. This ties in with de-personalizing the client’s anger. Remember that dealing with angry customers is important even if you aren’t able to satisfy the angry customer’s concerns. Other customers may be watching, and how you handle yourself reflects on you and the company you work for. Dealing with difficult customers appropriately goes a long way towards convincing others that you will also deal appropriately with their concerns (which hopefully will be expressed more appropriately).

Get help. When all else fails, there’s no shame in handing off a difficult customer to someone else. Even if the person you are asking to help doesn’t have more authority, bringing a fresh face into a conflict can sometimes have a calming effect. This is especially helpful if the client is angry because of something you actually did. If you choose to do this, however, be prepared for the client to make angry comments about you which may or may not be true without defending yourself." from Proven Training Solutions: How to Deal With An Angry Customer

Even for the most experienced staff member dealing with an upset customer can be a hefty task. At times it can be frustrating but if you follow these steps the situation should be under control in no time. Anyone who is hoping to learn how to diffuse an upset customer and repair a bad situation can learn a thing or two from this advice.

Thanks for stopping in again, we will be back next week with some more helpful business training tips!

- Bill Walsh

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How Proven Training Solutions is Different

Hello again,

It is me again Bill Walsh of Proven Training Solutions. Proven Training Solutions is a professional training business that I founded in 1987. I know that times have changed but the fundamentals of successful business operation and management training have remained the same. 

In today's blog I want to touch on some of the things that make Proven Training Solutions unique. 

We are results oriented!

Okay, I know that many professional training experts have gone the route of being entertainers first and educators second. 

Obviously, using comedy and provocative humour to get through to the audience is a valid approach if your goal is to amuse you your staff. However, if you want to get results you need to take a more result oriented approach.

When I train employees I prefer to maintain the professional atmosphere, I take the training process seriously because I know that the time spent training, is worth valuable money.

I am not saying that my presentations are boring! Don't make the mistake of believing that. With Proven Training Solutions I use a very modern discussion and engagement strategy to customize the presentation and make the your staff feel included in the conversation.

Instead using doing stand up comedy act to train your staff, I encourage discussions, focusing on the real tangible issues that they are dealing with in the workplace. Then, we use techniques such as role playing, problem solving and brainstorming to develop actionable plans that will lead to monumental improvements! 

Almost instantly, your staff will feel inspired and motivated to move in a new direction and begin implementing the strategies that we discuss. 

If my 25 years of experience as a corporate trainer and staff coaching expert have taught me anything it is "how to get results!". I know how to lead an in training seminar that leaves employees feeling secure in their positions, optimistic about the future and excited to execute changes! 

If you want to provide your staff with some well-rounded management training that makes them feel like they are part of a team then my Proven Training Solution programs may be the right fit for you. Our objective is always "goal oriented" establishing achievable milestones so that your employees can measure their own progress and feel involved in their own success!

Thanks for reading,

Bill Walsh

About Training Solutions

Introduction: Proven Training Solutions


My name is Bill Walsh I am the founder of Proven Training Solutions, professional training for businesses. 

For the past 7 years I have dedicated my life to providing professional training services for managers and their employees. I am passionate about the benefits of professional development and I believe that every individual within a company can learn and be inspired to do their job better!

Before I began my Proven Training Solutions journey I spent 15 years as a senior training consultant for the American Management Association International. In this position I delivered over 250 supervisory development classes! 

As a business professional educator I specialize in the areas of "Change of Management" and "Supervisor Development". Over the years I have modernized my approach to professional training education to create curriculums and presentations that are engaging and informative. I make sure that the individuals who attend my courses always leave feeling inspired and motivated thrive in their corporate position. 

How Proven Training Solutions is Different

I am believer that the best training comes from an individual who is speaking from experience. My years of employment in the professional industry have given me much personal insight into the professional business world. I try to incorporate this understanding into my curriculum communicating in a relatable and personable fashion.

One thing that makes my Proven Training Solutions unique is that I run a "clean" seminar. I know that many modern trainers use profanity and shock value gimmicks to capture the audience's attention. You should know this is not my style. Although, I'd like to think that I am entertaining, I keep my presentations family friendly and G rated. The reason for this is because of the sensitive subject matter that we cover. I believe that this is especially important when dealing with topics such as sexual harassment and sensitivity training. After all, what good are you doing if you are offending your audience during the informative session.

Just because Proven Training Solutions is a clean program doesn't mean that we will not get through to your staff members! I use conversation and open discussion to get employees involved and customise the presentation to suite the most pressing areas that need to be addressed. By doing this I can assure that you will see improvements in your staff almost immediately following the training.

If you are looking for a professional who is an expert and motivating, educating and training business professional i'd like to recommend my services. Proven Training Solutions is the only professional training with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Invite me to your place of business today and we can begin making improvements that will help your business thrive!

Yours Truly,
Bill Walsh
