When companies look to
improve customer service, too many organizations make the mistake of focusing solely
on external customer service. Measuring and analyzing how could we get better at
identifying and meeting the expectations of our customers & users...Trying
to identify tips and techniques that can set us apart from our competition are
all very important.
But, the mistake that is too
often made is the direction of our improvement focus. Instead of just focusing externally,
let’s also look internally on how we identify and meet the expectations of our internal
customers – our colleagues and coworkers. What type of service are we providing
to our internal customers? In too many cases, external customer service
delivery is negatively impacted by internal miscommunication, poor internal coordination
or simply put “the left hand not knowing what the right hand needed or had
promised to the customer!”
Robert Townsend, founder
of the Avis Corp. (the “We Try Harder” people) understood it completely. He
said “If you’re not directly serving a customer, you damn well better be
supporting the someones who are!” Too often we find that we are the ones who
are shooting ourselves in the foot. The old comic strip “Pogo” said it best in
one of their strips – “We have identified the enemy – and the enemy is us!” We’ve
all had those situations where lack of internal coordination or communication created
self-imposed hoops that we had to jump through to meet external customer’s
deadlines or expectations. On the drive or ride home we sadly shake our heads
and say to ourselves - “Sometimes, we are successful in spite and despite of
At Proven Training
Solutions, we’ve developed a program entitled “Seamless Internal Customer
Service training that helps you overcome the 5 most common obstacles to improved
and seamless internal customer service.
The 5 common obstacles
Proven Training Solutions can help you overcome are:
1) Increasing internal communication by
opening up your internal communication climate so when people do talk they can really
be open & honest …especially about work status or deadlines.
2) Tearing down silos & barriers that exist between departments and/or people to increase work and work effort transparency so communication and information can flow horizontally through your organization.
3) Making employees more accountable & responsible
for meeting due dates, deadlines and communicating. As the old saying goes,
when no one’s accountable – no one’s responsible.
4) Helping employees better understand their role
and the role of internal customer service in the ‘big picture’ of the customer
service process.
personality conflicts between key players by improving people’s
interpersonal skills and situational awareness.
You can learn more about
our Seamless Internal Customer Service training by viewing this video www.youtube.com/watch?v=PehZdp7O2qU
or visiting our website at http://www.proven-training-solutions.com/customer-service-training/internal-customer-service-training/
Below is our overview video from the YouTube page:
You can reach us at
1-800-403-5456 to find out how we can customize our training solutions to meet
your needs.
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